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Carla Thackrah flute - SeeTea Productions
Flute Sonata by Romano Crivici - 'Waves'
Composed and recorded in 2020
Performed by Carla Thackrah, flute
Romano Crivici, piano
For flute & piano,
The composer says:
"During the lock-down in the Great Pandemonium of 2020, Carla and I went most mornings to the beach to walk, talk, and swim in the ocean.
I would sit and meditate, occasionally looking at the waves - always moving yet within the constant flux of being, utterly still. This became the driving energy of the work.
Many thanks to Judith Nielsen, who, in an indirect way, made the creation of this work feasible, and to my Carla T, for her long and patient support in making this work not only meaningful but flautistical"
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